Friday 14 June 2013

National Parks in Indonesia

Indonesia has a diversity of flora and fauna, more than the number of species to Africa. Ten percent (10%) of all flowering plant species found in Indonesia (+ / - 27,500 species in Indonesia), 12% of mammals in the world, 16% of reptile and amphibian species in the world (+/- 1,539 species), 25% species of fish in the world and 17% of bird species in the world. Among these there are 430 species of birds and 200 species of mammals that are not found anywhere else and is only available in Indonesia such as orangutans, Komodo dragons, tigers, Javan rhino, Sumatran rhino and several species of birds.
Diversity of fauna in Indonesia is supported by very high ground state, geographical and climatic conditions. This coupled with the diversity of its vegetation as wildlife habitat.
Destruction of forests and waters where wildlife habitat is still ongoing, as well as hunting, catching, pollution and others. To protect from environmental damage in Indonesia Forestry Department establish areas that have a high conservation area into a national park.
National Parks are defined as a nature conservation area which has a native ecosystem, managed by the zoning system is utilized for the purpose of research, science, education, cultivation, tourism and outdoor recreation.
National Parks are also protected by the World Conservation Union Category II (IUCN; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources). In Indonesia there are 50 National Parks. 5 of them even declared a World Heritage Site (World Heritage Sites), namely Komodo National Park, National Park Ujung Kulon, Lorentz National Park, Gunung Leuser National Park, Kerinci Seblat National Park and Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park.
Here Below is a list of National Parks in Indonesia:
National Park on the island of Sumatra
1. Batang GadisNational Park
2. National Parks Berbak ***)
3. Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park **)
4. Twelve Hill National Park
5. Thirty Hill National Park
6. National Park Kerinci Seblat **)
7. Gunung Leuser National Park *) **)
8. Sembilang National Park
9. Siberut National Park *)
Tesso Nilo National Park
11. Way Kambas National Park

National Park on the island of Java
1. Alas Purwo National Park
2. Baluran National Park
3. Ciremai Mountain National Park
4. Gede Pangrango  Mountain National Park *)
5. Salak Mountain National Park
6. Merapi National Park
7. Merbabu National Park.
8. Halimun Mountain National Park
9. Karimunjawa National Park
10. Thousand Islands National Park
11. Meru Betiri National Park
12. Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park
13. Ujung Kulon National Park **)

National Park on the island of Borneo
1. Betung Kerihun National Park
2. Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park
3. Sentarum Lake National Park ***)
4. Palung Mountain National Park
Kayan Mentarang National Park
6. Kutai National Park
7. Sebangau National Park
8. Tanjung Puting National Park *)

National Park on the island of Sulawesi
1. National Parks Bantimurung - Bulusaraung
Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park
3. Bunaken National Park
4. Lore Lindu National Park *)
Gunung Api Bawah Laut Mahangetang National Park
Gunung Api Awu National Park
Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park
8. Taka Bonerate National Park
9. Togean Islands National Park
10. Wakatobi National Park

National parks on the island of Bali and Nusa Tenggara
1. West Bali National Park
2. Mount Rinjani National Park
3. Kelimutu National Park
4. Komodo Island National Park *) **)
5. National Parks Laiwangi
6. National Parks Manupeu

National Park on the island of Maluku and Papua
1. National Parks Aketajawe-Lolobata
2. Lorentz National Park **)
3. National Parks Manusela
4. Cenderawasih Bay National Park
5. National Parks Wasur

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