Monday 24 June 2013

Administrative Division and Province in Indonesia and The Capital City

Administrative Division
Indonesia currently consists of 34 provinces, five of which have a different status. Province is divided into 403 districts and 98 cities are divided into districts and again into sub-districts, villages, village, village, villages, pekon, or other terms that are accommodated by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government. Each province has a provincial parliament and the governor, while the district has a district legislature and regents; later the town has a mayor and the City Council, all of them elected directly by the people through elections and elections. However there is no parliament in Jakarta district or city, because the District Administration and the City Administration in Jakarta is not autonomous.

Province of Aceh, Yogyakarta Special Region, West Papua, and Papua privileged legislature larger and higher degree of autonomy than other provinces. For example, Aceh has the right to form its own legal system: in 2003, began to establish Sharia law in Aceh. Get the status of Yogyakarta Special Region in recognition of the important role in supporting Indonesian Yogyakarta during the Revolution. Province of Papua, formerly called Irian Jaya, received special autonomy status in 2001. Jakarta is the country's special capital region. Portuguese Timor was incorporated into Indonesia and into the province of East Timor in 1979-1999, which later split into the State through the East Timor referendum.

Province in Indonesia and The Capital City   
Sumatra Islands
·         Aceh - Banda Aceh
·         North Sumatra - Medan
·         West Sumatra - Padang
·         Riau - Pekanbaru
·         Riau Islands - Tanjungpinang
·         Jambi - Jambi
·         South Sumatra - Palembang
·         Bangka Belitung Islands - Louth
·         Bengkulu - Bengkulu
·         Lampung - Bandar Lampung
Java Island
·         Special Capital Region of Jakarta
·         Banten - Attack
·         West Java - Bandung
·         Central Java - Semarang
·         Special Region of Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta
·         East Java - Surabaya
Nusa Tenggara Islands
·         Bali - Denpasar
·         Lombok - Mataram
·         East Nusa Tenggara - Kupang
Borneo Island
·         West Kalimantan - Pontianak
·         Central Kalimantan - Palangkaraya
·         South Kalimantan - Banjarmasin
·         East Kalimantan - Samarinda
·         North Borneo - Tanjung Selor
Sulawesi Island
·         North Sulawesi - Manado
·         Gorontalo - Gorontalo
·         Central Sulawesi - Palu
·         West Sulawesi - Mamuju
·         South Sulawesi - Makassar
·         Southeast Sulawesi - Kendari
Maluku Islands
·         Maluku - Ambon
·         North Maluku - Sofifi
Papua Island
·         West Papua - Manokwari
·         Papua - Jayapura

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