Friday 21 June 2013

Batang Gadis National Park Rainforests Pearls on Earth Mandailing

Location and Area
Batang Gadis National Park is administratively located in the district of Mandailing Natal (Madina), North Sumatra covering 13 districts and 68 villages in contact with. Is geographically located between 99 ° 12 '45 "and 99 ° 47' 10" E and 0 ° 27 '15 "up to 1 ° Or 57" LU. Batang Gadis National Park name derived from the name of the main river that flows and splitting Madina district, is Batang Gadis. Batang Gadis National Park covers an area of ​​108,000 hectares or 26% of the total forest area in Madina district and lies in the range of 300 to 2,145 meters elevation above sea level at its highest point at the summit of the volcano Sorik. Region Batang Gadis National Park covering an area of ​​108,000 hectares is made ​​up of Forest Protected Areas, Limited Production Forest and Permanent Production Forest.
Protected forests are converted to enable the national park, covering 101,500 acres, is Forest Preserve Registers 4 Batang Gadis I, Registers 5 Batang Gadis II Comp I and II, Registers 27 BatangNatal I ,BatangNatal II Registers 28, Register 29 Batahan Hulu and Register 30 Batang Parlampungan 1. The protected areas established by the Dutch government in the period of 3 years between 1921-1924.
Production forest areas functioned converted into a national park includes the former concession area of ​​PT. Gunung Raya Utama Timber (Gruti) of ± 5,500 acres and PT. Aek Gadis Timber of ± 1,000 hectares. Conversion of forest lands into conservation areas * production is essentially giving the opportunity to the forest to breathe, to do the pause (moratorium) of natural forest logging in production forests.

Function Batang Gadis National Park area
Batang Gadis National Park is part of Batang Gadis Watershed. This watershed has a vast 386 455 hectares or 58.8% of the Madina district and is very important as a regular water supply to support the survival and the main economic activities of the community, namely agriculture. 
More than 360,000 people in Madina district livelihood from the agricultural sector, especially in the 68 villages in 13 districts in neighboring Batang Gadis National Park. Dependence on the agricultural sector looks at the contribution of agriculture sector in the value of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) district, 35% of which comes from this sector. The existence of Batang Gadis National Park will maintain the quality and continuity of supply of water for drinking and irrigation water 34,500 hectares and 43,000 hectares of rice plantations of coffee, rubber and cinnamon.

Madina district traversed the Great Sumatran Fault Regions (Great Sumatran fault Zone), in particular Sub-Fault Batang Gadis-Batang-Batang Angkola Torn. With such geological conditions, so if there clearing the natural forest cover in the region Batang Gadis National Park, disaster risk and impact of the disaster will be higher. Batang Gadis National Park is becoming increasingly critical to the sustainability of economic development and economic growth in Madina district. Expenses to be incurred to restore local government as a natural consequence of the destruction of natural forests can be avoided. Not going to happen diversion of investment funds from the productive sectors of society (business capitalization productive, tuition, health, nutrition, housing, etc.) to disaster relief efforts (non-productive). People do not have to bear the brunt of this productive diversion of funds and regional economic growth is not hampered. With sustainable forest condition and well maintained ecological functions (climate regulation, soil fertility guard, controlling the water system), the function of biodiversity and economic function, the Batang Gadis National Park can be maximally utilized as natural capital without pay (unchanged natural capital) for series of local economic activity over the long term, such as agriculture, plantation, nature tourism, fisheries or livestock.

Biodiversity Batang Gadis National Park
Results of a brief survey of biodiversity by Cl Indonesia during the period of approximately one month, it has been demonstrated that the biological wealth in Batang Gadis National Park is quite high. The diversity of flora and fauna that diternui by the survey team, enough to make the region Batang Gadis reason that this needs to be protected, in order to reduce the rate of extinction of flora and fauna in Batang Gadis National Park.

Based on a study of flora, the research plots measuring 200 square meters there are 242 vascular plant species (vascular plants) or approximately 1% of the flora found in Indonesia (approximately 25,000 vascular plant species in Indonesia). In addition there are also flowers are rare and protected flower Padma (Rafflesia sp.) New species. The high value of the flora in Batang Gadis National Park make this area should be protected because there are many plant species that have not yet known benefit to human life that needs to be studied further.

Through camera traps and tracing the trail, the team managed to find endangered species laws and international conventions, such as the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), forest goat (Naemorhedus sumatrensis), tapir (Tapirus indicus), bobcat (Catopuma temminckii) , deer (Tragulus javanicus), binturong (binturong Arctitis) bear (Helarctos malayanus), deer (Cervus unicolor) and barking deer (Muntiacus muntjac) and hedgehogs (Hystix brachyura). In addition the survey team managed menernukan legless amphibians (Ichtyopis glutinosa) which is a type of ancient animals and three horned frog (Megophyris nasuta) that are rare and are the type that can only be found (endemic) in Sumatra.
The number of birds in the Batang Gadis National Park can be found up to now is 242 species. Of the 242 species, 45 bird species that are protected in Indonesia, 8 species are globally endangered, 11 endangered species approach, such as the types of Sunda groundcuckoo, pheasant Salvadori, Sumatran cochoa. Crested fireback and March finfoot. Two bird species that have been categorized as 'data deficient' (data deficient) by the IUCN due to the small notes, were also found. Of the total of 13 bird species are categorized as a type of Bird Distribution Limited which contribute to the formation of Regional and Local Endernik Important Bird for Bird. Batang Gadis National Park area is also a transit location migratory birds coming from the northern hemisphere. When the Batang Gadis National Park forest is not protected it will soon accelerate their extinction.

Inornata Lophura bird (pheasant Salvadori) and Pitta schneiderii (schneider's pitta) is kind of rare and endernik to Sumatra. The type can be recovered after nearly a century is not recorded in Sumatra Bird Species List. Radiceus Carpococcyx bird species ("Sunda ground-cuckoo) was rediscovered for the second time after almost more than a century is not found in the list of birds of Sumatra. These type previously known only from specimens in the museum in 1912. First time this type was found in Bengkulu province in 2000.

The survey team found six species of hornbill bird of the family (Bucerotidae) or 60% of the total species found on the island of Sumatra, including Buceros rhinoceros, Rhinoplax vigil and Aceros undulatus. The presence of this bird species shows that tropical forests Batang Gadis National Park is still healthy for the development of other types of fruit-eating animals (frugivor).

Many hornbill species can be an indication that the condition of natural forest in Batang Gadis National Park is still good and there is still a mutualistic relationship (mutually beneficial.) Relatively intact between species of plants with seed dispersers of tropical plant species. In tropical forests, seed dispersal agents, brokers and the plants are generally carried by fruit-eating animals, and this is important in maintaining biodiversity and regeneration / rehabilitation of natural forests in tropical forests.
Another important finding is the conservation of plant tissue endophytic microbes that live in tropical forests Mandailing Natal. Endophytic microbes conservation of tropical forests in Indonesia has not been done by any institution. In this case, the survey team managed to collect 1,500 microbial species consisting of bacteria and molds. Currently these microbes stored in culture collections of microbial biotechnology LIPI Research Center. These microbes are very beneficial as a source of medicine, bio-fungicides, bio-insecticides and bio fertilizers that support the agricultural sector as well as producing various kinds of hormones and enzirn very beneficial to the industry.

The diversity of Flora and Fauna
Name type: Sumatran tiger
Latin Name: Panthera tigris sumatrae


Sumatran tiger is the only one of the three types of tiger that once owned Indonesian survivors. Two other species, the Javan tiger and Bali tiger, which had just become extinct. Although including protected species and log in Appendix I of CITES, Sumatran tiger is in critical condition nearly extinct alias. The two main causes are rampant poaching keterancamannya, broken and fragmented place his life.

Name type: Tapir / Malayan tapir
Latin Name: Tapirus indicus


Tapir is a very distinctive species with dichromatic black and white body. Tapir is also a resident of primary forests in Indonesia, especially in Sumatra, spreading to the north does not exceed the area of Lake Toba. Tapir not only protected in terms of the applicable law in Indonesia is classified Type IUCN (The World Conservation Union). As an endangered species, this species is also included in Appendix I of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild in Fauna and Flora).

Name types: forest Goat / Serow
Latin Name: Naemorhedus sumatrae


Essentially different from the wild goat goats are bred, as the wild goat with a blend of goat antelope and has a close relationship with the buffalo. Wild goat is very agile animals and are often seen climbing quickly on steep slopes that are usually only attainable by man with the help of ropes.
Name type: Porcupine
Latin Name: Hystrix brachyura
With the spikes on the back of his body, hedgehogs are mammals unique. If disturbed, the hedgehog will enforce the thorns until he looked twice as big. Hedgehogs are usually found on the ground in lowland forest to shelter pegunungan. Untuk, porcupines live in holes dug. Although not too hard to find in the Batang Gadis National Park, globally protected species hedgehog is quite rare and endangered.

Name type: cat gold / Asiatic Golden Cat
Latin Name: Catopuma temminckii.


This rare cat-sized body large enough to be able to reach a total body length of 1.3 meters and weighs 15 kg. Golden cat is a protected species and log in Appendix I of CITES. Rarely documented, but the biodiversity survey team Batang Gadis National Park managed to 'set him up in the camera traps.

Name type: Leopard cat

Latin Name: Celis bensalensis
All types of wild cats in general similar to domestic cats body shape and both have 28-30 teeth. Characteristic that sets it apart is the size, tail length and color patterns. Usually colored yellow body with black spots throughout the upper body including the tail. Usually live nocturnal (night active) and terrestrial, sometimes active also in small trees. Food includes small mammals and large insects.

Name type: Kijang / Common barking deer
Latin name: Muntiacus muntjac


Deer Muntiacus sp. to walk humbly with your head, your back slightly arched and legs belakangnyatinggi. High lift his feet from the ground each time step. Upper body tengguli, somewhat darker along the back line; bottom whitish and often wrapped in gray. Tail dark brown above and below putib. Active mainly during the day. Includes eating young leaves, grasses and fruits and grains fall.

Name type: Padma Flowers / Rafflesia
Latin Name: Rafflesia sp.


This flower is a flower relatives Padma (Rafflesia arnoldi R. Brown) who is the mascot of Indonesian flora and the largest flower in the world. Flowers are found on the slopes of Mount Merapi Sorik as in this image is thought to be a new species that have never been described. Padma flowers is very unique because he does not have roots, stems and leaves. Padma flower grows as a parasite on certain types of liana (usually in Tetrastigma sp.) And is the type of flora that are globally threatened with extinction. Until now, this flower is still in carefully by experts in the Bogor-based plants, Bogor, West Java.

Name type: Kantongsemar / Pltcher plant
Latin Name: Nepenthes sp.


This includes carnivorous plants, absorb important food element of the insects and arthropods that crashed and sank into the bag. The bag is actually a modified leaf and filled with fluid that is used to digest food. The pitcher plants (Nepenthes sp.) Is a plant of the tribe Nephentaceae. This plant is protected under Law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems. Law was followed by Regulation No. 7 of 1999 on the types of plants and animals are protected.

Name types: Amphibious legless / Limbless amphibians
Latin Name: Ichtyopis slutinosa


The animals included in a kind of amphibian (frog), but does not have legs and live in muddy ground around the water or river that is not too heavy and muddy, often equated with worms. Except for the mouth and eyes have a clear, usually there are yellow lines on both sides of his body. This includes ancient animals and endangered species.

Name type: rhinoceros hornbills / Rhinoceros hornbill
Latin Name: Buceros rhinoceros


Hornbill is a bird inhabitants of the forest canopy tops. With a nugget or tons) Olan in head that resembles a rhino horn, so his name is called. Flying from one tree to the other tree fruit, hornbills like 'forest farmer' who spread the seeds are very important for forest regeneration and ensure the sustainability of forest ecosystems. Rhinoceros hornbill bird which is a resident and is protected in Indonesia, is quite commonly found in Batang Gadis National Park area.

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