Tuesday 25 June 2013

Travel Underwater Indonesia, Exoticism Hoga Island

Hoga Island is one of the islands in the archipelago region blacksmith Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi province, Indonesia, which is also the island's most beautiful underwater world. The island is located in the eastern island of Kaledupa.

Monday 24 June 2013

Indonesian State

Republic of Indonesia abbreviated RI or Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia , which is crossed by the equator and located between the continent of Asia and Australia and between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean . Indonesia is a country of islands in the world's largest consisting of 13 487 islands, therefore it is also called the archipelago . With a population of 237 million in 2010, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and the nation of Muslims in the world, although it is not officially an Islamic state . Indonesian form of government is a republic , with the House of Representatives , Regional Representatives Council and the President is directly elected.

Early history and Indonesian Independence

The early history
Relics of Homo erectus fossils, anthropologists who also dubbed the "Java Man", suggests that the Indonesian archipelago was inhabited two million to 500,000 years ago. Austronesian people, who form the majority of the modern population, migrated to South East Asia from Taiwan. They arrived at about 2000   SM, and cause existing Melanesians there first pressed into areas far eastern archipelago. Conditions ideal place for agriculture, and control of rice cultivation since at least the 8th century BC, causing many villages, towns, and small kingdoms grow well in the first century AD. In addition, Indonesia is located in the international sea trade routes between islands, cruise lines have become between India and China for centuries. Indonesia's history has subsequently experienced a lot of the influence of the trading activity.

Politics and Government of Indonesia

Indonesia governing republic democratic multiparty presidential. As well as in other democracies, the political system in Indonesia is based on the Trias Politica that the legislative, executive and judicial branches. Legislative power is held by an organization called the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR).

Administrative Division and Province in Indonesia and The Capital City

Administrative Division
Indonesia currently consists of 34 provinces, five of which have a different status. Province is divided into 403 districts and 98 cities are divided into districts and again into sub-districts, villages, village, village, villages, pekon, or other terms that are accommodated by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government. Each province has a provincial parliament and the governor, while the district has a district legislature and regents; later the town has a mayor and the City Council, all of them elected directly by the people through elections and elections. However there is no parliament in Jakarta district or city, because the District Administration and the City Administration in Jakarta is not autonomous.

Border and Geography Indonesia Location

Indonesia is an archipelago in Southeast Asia which has 13 487 large and small islands, about 6,000 of which are uninhabited, which spread around the equator , which gives tropical weather. The position of Indonesia is located at coordinates 6 ° N - 11 ° 08 ' LS and from 95 ° ' BT - 141 ° 45 ' BT and is located between two continents namely continents Asia and continental Australia / Oceania .
Indonesia's territory extends along 3.977 mile between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean . Indonesia's land area is 1,922,570 km ² and 3,257,483 km ² vast waters. Is the most populous island of Java, where half the Indonesian population reside. Indonesia consists of five large islands, namely: Java with an area of 132.107 km ², Sumatera with an area of 473 606 km ², Borneo with an area of 539 460 km ², Sulawesi, with an area of 189 216 km ², and Papua with an area of 421,981 km ². Boundaries of the archipelago of Indonesia measured using the territorial sea: 12 nautical miles and an exclusive economic zone: 200 nautical miles , the direction of winds, namely:
North : Country Malaysia with 1,782 km border, Singapore , the Philippines , and the South China Sea.
South : Country Australia , Timor Leste , and Indonesia Ocean .
West: Ocean Indonesia .
East: State of Papua New Guinea with a 820 km long border, Timor Leste , and the Pacific Ocean .

Economics and Natural Resources Indonesia

Indonesia's economic system was initially supported by the launch Oeang Repoeblik Indonesia (ORI), which became the first currency of the Republic of Indonesia, which then turned into Rupiah.
In the reign of the Old Order, Indonesia does not fully adapt to the capitalist economic system, but also combine them with economic nationalism. Inexperienced government, is to intervene in some production activities that affect many people. This, coupled political turmoil, resulting in economic instability in the country.

Indonesian Culture

Indonesia has about 300 ethnic groups, each ethnic cultural heritage that has evolved over centuries, influenced by the Indian culture, Arabic, Chinese, European, and including the Malay culture itself. Examples of traditional Javanese and Balinese dances have a cultural aspect and Hindu mythology, like shadow puppets featuring stories of Ramayana and Hindu mythological events Baratayuda.

Indonesian Fashion

In the field of cultural heritage fashion is famous throughout the world is batik. Some well-known local batik industry will include Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Cirebon, Pandeglang, Garut, Tasikmalaya and also Pekalongan. Batik is also claimed by other countries with the batik industry.

Indonesian Architecture

Indonesian architecture reflects the diversity of culture, history, and geography that make up the whole Indonesian. The attacker, colonizers, missionaries, merchants, and traders brought cultural changes with an impact on the style and building techniques. Traditional, foreign architectural influences are the most powerful of India. However, Chinese, Arab, and since the 19th century European influence became quite dominant.

Indonesian Sports

The most popular sports in Indonesia are badminton and football; Indonesian Super League is the main league football clubs in Indonesia. Traditional sports include sepak takraw and cow races in Madura. In areas with a history of tribal warfare, battle contests are held, such as, caci in Flores, and Pasola in Sumba. Pencak Silat is a unique martial art originating from Indonesia. This martial art is sometimes displayed at events that are usually followed by performances of traditional Indonesian music such as gamelan and other traditional musical arts according to region of origin. Sports in Indonesia are generally male-oriented and spectator sports are often associated with illegal gambling in Indonesia.

Indonesian Music

Musical arts in Indonesia, both traditional and modern so many stretches from Sabang to Merauke. Every province in Indonesia has traditional music with its own trademark. Traditional music including keroncong from Portuguese descent in the Tugu, Jakarta, is known by all the people of Indonesia even to foreign countries. There is also a populist in the Indonesian music known as dangdut is the music wing of modern Malay influenced by Indian music dangdut music is so very different from the actual traditional Malay music, such as music Deli Malay, Malay, and so on.

Indonesian Cuisine

Indonesian cuisine varies depending on the region. Rice is the staple food and served with side dishes of meat and vegetables. Condiments (notably chili), coconut milk, fish and chicken are essential ingredients.
Throughout history, Indonesia has become a place of trade between the two continents. This led to the transport of many spices, food ingredients and cooking techniques from the nation's own Malay, Indian, Middle East, China, and Europe. All this is mixed with typical traditional Indonesian food, make a lot of diversity that is not found in other areas. Even the Spanish and Portuguese, the Dutch had been preceded by bringing many new products from the world to Indonesia.

Indonesian Literature

The oldest evidence of writing in Indonesia is a variety of Sanskrit inscriptions in the 5th century AD. Important figures in modern Indonesian literature include: Dutch author Multatuli, who criticized treatment of the Indonesian Netherlands during the Dutch colonial era; Muhammad Yamin and Hamka is a writer and the pre-independence politician, and Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Indonesia maker's most famous novel. In addition to novels, literary Indonesia also wrote a poem, rhyme, and rhyme. Anwar is the author of Indonesia's most famous poem. Many Indonesian people have a strong oral tradition, which help to define and preserve their cultural identities. Press freedom in Indonesia increased after the end of President Suharto's rule. Television stations, including ten national private television stations and regional networks that compete with public TVRI television station. Private radio stations broadcast their news and programs of foreign broadcasters. Reported there were 20 million Internet users in Indonesia in 2007. Internet use is limited to a minority population, estimated at about 8.5%.

Language Indonesian National

Indonesia only has one national language or the language of the country, which is Indonesian. State intervention against the national language organized by Agency for Development and Language Development under the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Indonesian Environmental

Indonesian region has a high diversity of living things that by some Indonesian ecological region known as the "Mega biodiversity" or "high diversity of living things" commonly known as the Indomalaya or Malesia based on research that 10 percent of plants, 12 per cent of mammals, 16 percent of reptiles , 17 per cent of birds, 25 percent of fish in the world live in Indonesia, while Indonesia only 1.3 wide   % Of land area on Earth. Wealth beings Indonesia ranks third after Brazil and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Saturday 22 June 2013

30 Tourist Attractions in Bali, Indonesia

A list of 30 attractions in Bali as a tourist attraction that fits you. Who the hell are not familiar with Bali, an island known as the Island of the Gods is a lot of demand by tourists, both foreign and local tourists. Bali appeal lies from their ancestral culture that still maintained until now. In addition to its culture, scenery in Bali became a magnet for tourists.

Bali, Indonesia

Bali is the name of one of the provinces in Indonesia and also the name of the largest islands that are part of the province. In addition consists of the island of Bali, Bali Province region also consists of the islands smaller in the vicinity, namely the island of Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan Island, Nusa Island and Island Ceningan attack.

Bali lies between Java and Lombok Island. Denpasar is the provincial capital located in the south of the island. The majority of Balinese are Hindu. In the world famous Bali as a tourist destination with a unique variety of art-culture, especially for the Japanese and Australian tourists. Bali is also known as the Island of the Gods and Pulau Seribu Pura.

The global Typical Indonesian Food

Indonesia is the world's largest country with a culture so no one had Indonesian food is very interesting and certainly delicious, Indonesia Here are 7 foods worldwide:

1. Gado Gado

Gado-gado is one of the foods that come from Indonesia in the form of vegetables are boiled and blended into one, with a seasoning or sauce of crushed peanuts with sliced ​​egg and fried onions sprinkled on top. Little fried chips or crackers (some are taking prawn crackers) are also added.
Gado-gado can be eaten just like a salad with herbs / peanut sauce, but can also be eaten with white rice or sometimes also served with rice cake. Gado-gado even been a champion at an international food festival.

Marine Tourism Best Places in Indonesia

MINISTRY of Culture and tourism district map out 12 islands across Indonesia as a leading maritime destination. The 12 islands are included in the development plan included in the master plan (blueprint) marine tourism development as planned Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

1. Thousand Islands, Jakarta

Marine tourism is ideal for in Thousand Islands is surfing, regional cruise, fishing and nautical sports. The program for development in these areas include spatial planning is very clear between conservation and development arean with national parks. As well as for the development of water facilities is a marina, yacht, boat and sea plane phinisi for water sports activities.

Friday 21 June 2013

Indonesian Dance The Worldwide

Indonesia has a diverse ethnic, religious, cultural, traditional goods, and also the Traditional Dances. Very loved it when dance in Indonesia is not so held by the youth of today, but there loh dance so famous in Indonesia until world. Gk believe? I will mention the 7 Arts Dance Indonesia's Global!


Balinese dance art is indeed very admired by many foreign tourists as tourists from the U.S., Tailan, Australia, Germany, Japan and China, because they like the dance of the nation Indonesia is increasingly famous for the works of art they dance. Many tourists who want to visit to learn Balinese dance because they love the story and the art show itself bali, bali encounter very much in the dance studio what it is like dance dance dance Legong leak or are already very well known at all.

Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park

Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is representative of the Bukit Barisan mountain range consisting of vegetation types of mangrove forest, beach forest, tropical rain forest and up the mountains in Sumatra. Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is a national park dedicated to protecting tropical rainforests of Sumatra island. along with its natural wealth. UNESCO made ​​the South Bukit Barisan National Park as a World Heritage. South Bukit Barisan declared a Wildlife Sanctuary in 1935 and became a National Park in 1982. At first the size of the park is an area of ​​356 800 hectares. But the area of ​​the park is currently calculated using GIS for approximately 324,000 hectares.

Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is located in the southwestern region of the tip of Sumatra. Seventy percent of the park (249 552 hectares) are included in the administrative district of West Lampung and Tanggamus region, both of which are part of Lampung Province. Other parts of the park covers 74 822 hectares (23% of the overall area of ​​the park) and were Kaur region of the Bengkulu province. South Sumatra is also very important for garden borders overlap with provincial borders.

National Parks Berbak

Berbak National Park is a nature conservation area for the conservation of the largest swamp forests in Southeast Asia are unspoiled by human exploitation. Uniqueness in the form of an interesting combination between peat swamp forest and freshwater swamp forests of the sprawling eastern coast of Sumatra.
Plant species in national parks such as meranti (Shorea sp.), And various species of palm. Berbak National Park has the most famous ornamental palm species in Indonesia. Ornamental palm species that are rare among other types of leaf umbrella (Johanesteijmannia altifrons) as well as the newly discovered species are Lepidonia kingii (Lorantaceae) are flowering with red / purple.
Hundreds and even thousands of migratory birds can be seen in this park, which can lead to admiration if the birds fly in groups.

Batang Gadis National Park Rainforests Pearls on Earth Mandailing

Location and Area
Batang Gadis National Park is administratively located in the district of Mandailing Natal (Madina), North Sumatra covering 13 districts and 68 villages in contact with. Is geographically located between 99 ° 12 '45 "and 99 ° 47' 10" E and 0 ° 27 '15 "up to 1 ° Or 57" LU. Batang Gadis National Park name derived from the name of the main river that flows and splitting Madina district, is Batang Gadis. Batang Gadis National Park covers an area of ​​108,000 hectares or 26% of the total forest area in Madina district and lies in the range of 300 to 2,145 meters elevation above sea level at its highest point at the summit of the volcano Sorik. Region Batang Gadis National Park covering an area of ​​108,000 hectares is made ​​up of Forest Protected Areas, Limited Production Forest and Permanent Production Forest.

Friday 14 June 2013

National Parks in Indonesia

Indonesia has a diversity of flora and fauna, more than the number of species to Africa. Ten percent (10%) of all flowering plant species found in Indonesia (+ / - 27,500 species in Indonesia), 12% of mammals in the world, 16% of reptile and amphibian species in the world (+/- 1,539 species), 25% species of fish in the world and 17% of bird species in the world. Among these there are 430 species of birds and 200 species of mammals that are not found anywhere else and is only available in Indonesia such as orangutans, Komodo dragons, tigers, Javan rhino, Sumatran rhino and several species of birds.

Saturday 25 May 2013

Berapa Banyak Harus Makan Buah?

Rutin mengonsumsi buah dan sayur sudah terbukti akan mencegah berbagai penyakit mulai dari sembelit, sampai stroke dan kanker.  Mungkin selama ini kita sudah mengupayakan memasukkan sayur dan buah dalam menu sehari-hari. Namun, yakinkah kalau jumlahnya cukup?
Rekomendasi badan PBB yang mengurusi makanan dan pertanian (FAO) yaitu konsumsi sayuran idealnya 91,25 kg/kapita/tahun dan buah 73 kg/kapita/tahun.
Badan kesehatan PBB (WHO) merekomendasikan 400 gram buah dan sayur per hari. American Heart Association merekomendasikan 8 porsi atau 4,5 mangkuk dari berbagai jenis buah dan sayur per hari.

Tanaman Mariyuana atau Daun Ganja Bisa Untuk Obat Diabetes, Apakah Benar?

Mariyuana atau Daun Ganja

Para ilmuwan terus mengeksplorasi kemampuan tanaman mariyuana atau daun ganja dalam pengobatan. Studi teranyar menyebutkan, ganja mengandung komponen yang bisa membantu mengontrol gula darah.

Daun ganja juga memiliki kaitan yang kuat dengan berat badan. Selain meningkatkan nafsu makan, daun ganja ternyata bisa membantu seseorang untuk tetap langsing.

Tiga studi terakhir menunjukkan, para pengguna mariyuana mempunyai risiko lebih kecil mengalami kegemukan. Selain itu, mereka juga memiliki risiko diabetes lebih rendah dan nilai indeks massa tubuhnya lebih kecil. Ketiga manfaat tersebut didapatkan meski para pengguna ganja mengasup lebih banyak kalori.

Friday 24 May 2013

Kembangkan Bakat di Kampus seperti Mr. Bean

Mr. Bean
Kesempatan kuliah di kampus sebaiknya tidak hanya diisi dengan kegiatan-kegiatan akademik. Gunakan masa 3-4 tahun di kampus untuk mengembangkan diri, bakat dan minat, serta berinteraksi sebanyak-banyaknya dengan berbagai kalangan.